Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Fall camping trip

I love to go camping especially when it's not been a long planned out trip.  Just a "do you want to go camping" type of thing.  That is what we did the 18th, 19th and came back in on the 20th of August.  We went out to "our" lake in Cambridge. We were surprised to see so many campers come in.  Mom said it was beginning to look like fall as  the frost we had a few weeks ago was beginning to make the leaves change color.  I just know I enjoyed all the space I had to run and the long walks Mom took me on.  I did really good and got to walk without my leash on. She said I did just like I was suppose to by staying right behind her.

We saw some wild turkeys while we were camping.  Mom took the camera outside so she could take some pictures.  She sat on a picnic table and the turkeys came real close to her.  I was warning her they were getting to close as I howled at her several times but she just kept taking pictures so I guess they weren't dangerous!  Here are a couple pictures of them.

This one was real close to Mom

On Thursday when we were out to the lake it was foggy most of the day but then about 5 PM it started to clear off.  After supper Mom and I took a walk to the swimming area she took some more pictures (of course) of how pretty the clouds were reflecting in the water and of a pelican swimming. 

The next day was very windy and hot but we still enjoyed the day by sitting outside and doing nothing..well I should say Mom and Dad did nothing, me, I ran and explored and learned how to mark my territory!! I understand that most boy dogs lift their leg to mark their spots but I don't know how to do that yet so I'd back over a pile of leaves and well you know what we do then..Mom would laugh and tell me I'd already marked that bunch several times already but it didn't matter to me I'd mark it AGAIN....and AGAIN...and AGAIN!!

After all that fresh air and playing outside I was tired!! So I took a nap a very long nap!!
So until next time enjoy your day and remember this:
Today is a good day to have a good day!