Sunday, June 29, 2014

I'm 3 months old today!

I get to have a party with some of my human family.  My Mom and Dad will be there of course..My Aunt Chris and my Uncle Tom..he's really not my Uncle (yet) he's my Aunt's boyfriend..but he's the best Uncle!! I love him!!I'm going to put a couple of videos on here and some pictures of my birthday party..And then I'll show you how much I've grown in last few weeks. 
This is my Uncle Tom..see I told you I love him!!!
OH BOY! Look at the size of that box for ME..see it says Herbie..oh can't wait to see what is in it.  I just got a bite of my treat cupcake too!!'s a cookie for puppies  It has bacon AND cheese!!
Come on Dad hurry up and get it off the cardboard I want to play with it.
Aren't you going to play with me Uncle Tom?
OH I love this it squeaks!!! 
HMMM it has a funny grin guess I'll have to show it who is boss!                                                                                                                  

Mom didn't catch it on video but when the toy was first squeezed I took off running after it.  I was going to go snooping around but heard that noise and came running back as fast as my little legs would carry me.

This is my favorite place to sleep when Mom is on he computer.  You can see in this picture how much I've grown

Mom took one like this on the first night they had me..again I've grown alot in the last few weeks.

Camping what is camping

Mom and Dad said we are going camping today.  I don't know what camping is but Snowball told me he's gone once and really liked it so guess I'll find out what it's about.  I just hope it's not scarey!
This is our home while we are camping.  It's nice inside.  Not as big as our house but plenty of room to play.

Look at all this yard where I can run and play.  I love to run laps out here.  It doesn't have a fence around it so I can play catch me if you can with my Mom.  She must not like that cause she'll raise her voice and say HERBIE COME!  I know when she uses that tone I need to stop and SLOWLY come back to her.  I go as slow as I can go and she just keeps saying Herbie come and pointing to the ground. 
OH come on Snowball let's go play.  I'll lead you on your leash..PLEASE let's go for a walk. Come on Snowball just get up!!

I love my Dad

My Dad is the best Dad that a puppy can have.  He plays with me and to show how glad I am of that I like to give him kisses.  Sometimes if he doesn't hold still I'll make him hold still by pulling on his moustache.

What is that thing

There is this thing that keeps following me.  It will move this way or that way depending on which way I move.  I usually don't notice it but once in awhile it will sorta just be there. 
I'll turn around in circles trying to get it.I'll even lay down to get it.  Once in awhile I'll catch it and bite it!! When I do that though it makes me yelp!! Oh well guess I'll just let it follow me.

See there it's just laying there.

Wonder if I turn my body if I can get it???

I'll just pretend I'm asleep and see if it goes away.

I've got it held let's see if I can taste it to see what it's made of.
I caught ii!!!! BUT when I tasted it if made me hurt..I don't think I want to do that again!

Playing in the tent.

Remember I told you how I love to play in my brother's tent.  Well Mom got some pictures of us playing with the tent.  Snowball actually thought he could lay in it.  That was so wrong of him of course I had to show him who that tent really belongs to.

Wait a minute you can't be in the tent! It's mine!
I'm going to get you out of there
Mom he's got my ear..make him stop.  
Last chance to leave or I'm going to...I'm going to...well I'll think of something just wait and see.

It's mine once to move it where I want it. 

It might be better to move it by pulling it this way.

Yep that's just perfect..close to the vent for cool air..

I love playing with my toys

Well not all the things I play with are toys.  Come to think of it most of my favorite "toys" really aren't toys.  I'll explain and then show some pictures.  My brother has a tent that is suppose to be his..BUT I can get in it and make it go clear across the computer room..just by jumping at the sides of it while I'm inside of course..or I'll pull on it from the outside and drag it all they way across the room too.  BUT jumping inside it is so much better!! It makes a noise when I do that so then I have to growl and make more noise.

My other favorite toy is my kennel that Mom and Dad bought for me to travel in. My other kennel is to big for most car trips but the little red one is just perfect for now.  I'll grab ahold of the straps and pull it in the middle of the living room..

The next best toy is actually a cat scratching post.  Mom and Dad had tied a robe belt on it when brother was younger to get him to play with it and to use the post as he is suppose to do.  BUT he doesn't like to scratch on it but I sure do like chewing on it.  But I can take ahold of the belt and pull it where ever I want it to go too.

Mom took pictures of where things are suppose to be and then one of where I put them instead!  I like where I put them much better then where she puts once or twice a day I pull them out again.

You can see the tent is clear back in the computer room now how much fun is it needs to go closer to my large kenenl.  the red kennel is suppose to be beside the larger kennel again that's not much fun.  Now I can line the 3 toys up and run form one to the other to play.  that is so much better for ME

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

I have a niece

Well I think she's a niece..She's my human sisters dog..and Vicki says she is her baby so that makes her my niece..this is such a strange family..I have a brother who is a cat..and a sister who is a grumpy old cat!! AND now I learn I have a niece that is a weird!! But such a nice weird.
I really like Cocoa that is my niece but sometimes when we play tag she scares me..she will run in these really big circles and I try to catch her but my little legs just can't run that fast.  So when she comes at me at a million miles an hour I think she is going to run into me.  So I let out my yelp and of course everyone will say Cocoa stop..and then I'll run and hide behind Mom's legs then while Cocoa is laying down I'll come out and play again..then it starts all over.
Here is a picture of Cocoa and  I getting to know each other.  As you can see Cocoa was not real sure about me but I really wanted to give her a kiss..not this time however.  You can see Cocoa's Mom Vicki...she's my oldest sister.  I'm told I have another human sister but haven't met her yet..I will very soon however.

In the above picture Cocoa finally decided I was okay to play with so here we are deciding which one of uswill run do know we can talk to each other by just looking at each other right?  Oh you didn't know that..well we can trust me.  How do you think we know which one will run first??

My brother and me

Now some might think this video and pictures might be a little bit scarey but trust me when I say no one was hurt in the filming of this video and the pictures to follow. I love my big brother and he loves me..he just gets a little upset when I keep pulling his long hair.  I love kissing his face too but every now and then he'll say enough is enough!! I hope you enjoy the video.  Mom tells me she has some more to share but that will be for another day.

Okay now for some pictures of us playing...please remember I was not hurt during the playtime.  Mom always says Snowball if she thinks my brother is getting a little rough..AND I have learned if I let out a yelp Mom will make Snowball quit doing whatever he's doing and I can get in another lick or two.  I know I'm bad..well not bad but you know what I mean?? Cause I'm not real sure what I meant.

Here we are looking all innocent!!  

Ready to play?? Huh.. huh.. are ya ready?

Cause I'm going to get ya.
Darn he stopped me..

Got out of that hold..Note to self..gotta watch more wrestling to see other moves!! like the kisses I know you do

Well maybe not

trying to get in one last lick

but he stops me!!! AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

What is a Parade? June 14th

Today I wake up and am told we are going to a parade. Now what is a parade?? From my view point every day is a parade my little legs make it seem like everything is going by so fast it's impossible to keep up.  Mom explains to me we are going to a town where she use to go grocery shopping with her Mom when she was young.  So off we go in her VW Superbeetle and Dad in his Camaro.  Doesn't seem to special to me but maybe that's because I just curl up in my little bed and slept for the whole hour.  We get there and of course I'm let out to do my business. She actually expected me to do something with all those new smells to check out!! To me that was what it must be like for a little kid in a candy can you decide what you want.  In my case where I wanted to go.

We find our place in the line up for the parade.  When it FINALLY starts I can't see so Mom holds me up to the window and with one finger under one of my little legs she waves to the crowd.  I can hear people saying "Oh look at that puppy!"  I was the hit of the parade.  After we were finished in the parade Mom and Dad's friends park us in a nice shady area.  I went exploring and you can see I found the best thing to play with.
That dandelion thought it could keep me from getting it but I won.  It was soooooooooooo tall I had to keep reaching up the stem to get to the top of it.

After we sat in the shade for awhile we headed back down town to what was called a car show.  Dad had his camaro and Mom of course her  I just enjoyed being in my bed and sleeping with my sock monkey.

All this fresh air has worn me out so think I'll call it a night again..OH before I go to sleep for the night I found out when Mom puts me in the kennel for the night I can sleep for a few hours and then when I have to go potty I start to cry and howl Mom will wake up and take me outside..I do my thing and we come back in BUT when she puts me back in the kennel I'll start to cry and howl again and one of them will come and get me and put me in bed with them!! OH that is so much better..but I have to be careful though as I found myself back in the kennel.  HMMMM will have to see if I can't fix that as I did like being in bed with them.

Monday, June 23, 2014

June 12, 2014 My first day

I slept all night in my kennel I was so tired from the ride home and meeting my new family.  Today found me being held by my Mom.  She kept telling me how cute I am and how tiny.  Doesn't she realize I'm 6' tall!! Well in my mind I am.  She took me out into this big yard to do my business several times today.  I think it must be miles long and half of that long.  My short little legs traveled so far today.  My brother showed me places much closer to the house to find places to potty.  That helped a bunch.  I don't know what work is but Mom said Dad had to go to work today.  

I'm not real fond of the food that Mom is trying to get me to eat today.  I'd just as soon eat the cat food it is so much tastier.  She keeps telling me to eat out of my bowl I don't understand why.  Brother eats out of my bowl.  

DAD is home..I love to shower him with kisses I'm so glad to see him.  He bought me some different food today.  It's better but still not what I'm use to.  I think I'll just sneak some of brother's food when Mom is not watching. 

I have the neatest toys to play with..things like a toy that looks like a moose it's kinda floppy but sure does make great noises.  OH and you will not believe the neatest little tiny thing crawling on the sidewalk outside.  I think Mom told me not to try to eat the ant.  I don't know what an ant is but it sure was fun to try to catch them.

It's been a long day so think I'll go sleep in my kennel again tonight. 

Hi everyone, let me introduce myself. I'm called all sorts of names but my real name is Herbie.  I'm a tea cup Chihuahua I've been told when I'm all grown up I could weigh between 4-6 pounds.  Considering right now I weigh 2 pounds I've got some growing to do. I was born on March 26th to my Chihuahua Mom.  She weighed 4 pounds and my Dad weighed 5 pounds.  I don't remember my doggie parents.  I understand I have a sister that stayed at my birth home.  My human parents found me listed on a place called Craig's List.  Dad saw the listing and showed my Mom..they fell in love with me and that's how I came to live in my new home. I was 11 weeks old in the picture.  We had a 2 hour drive to get to my new home where I met my brother from another mother..I think he's called a cat. BUT boy do I love him.  I also have a another sister but she's not so friendly.  It's fun to make her run though..oh she's a cat too.  Mom told me I'd meet my human sister tomorrow so for tonight I'm going to bed.  My kennel is calling me.  Before I forget my human Mom is going to type this for me.  My little paws are to little to push the keys so as I tell her things she'll write it down for me.  Good night everyone.  I'm tired it's been a long day.